Tennessee Riverkeeper Turns 13

This September marks Tennessee Riverkeeper’s 13th anniversary. The organization was founded on the heels of the TVA discharging 1.1 billion gallons of toxic coal ash into tributaries of the Tennessee River in 2008. It was also started in the wake of the subprime mortgage crisis and amidst a great recession - not the easiest time to start a nonprofit from scratch. But we were driven by the real need to protect the waterways that sustain life throughout the region. The organization has only been able to support that mission because of your support! We have continued to adapt and thrive through COVID-19 and we still need your support. Tennessee Riverkeeper is stronger because of your membership. We can’t thank you enough for all your donations thus far. Every dollar bolsters our ability to fight for clean water for all of us. In fact, here are some statistics showing the hard work our team has done in past years:

  • Clean Water Act violations that Tennessee Riverkeeper has addressed:  47,020

  • Sewage Overflows that Tennessee Riverkeeper has addressed: 5,386

  • Volume of sewage from overflows that Tennessee Riverkeeper has addressed:  497,995,167 gallons

  • Notice Of Intent To Sue Letters: 57

  • Clean Water Act Lawsuits: 15

We sincerely thank you for all your support and hope we can count on it today and in the future. Please consider donating now to help us continue fighting for cleaner water.




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