Help Protect lake guntersville

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The recent news about Tennessee Riverkeeper fighting sewage pollution in Guntersville, AL has captured a lot of attention, and because of the outcry of support by wonderful people like you - there's already positive momentum in this situation. No one wants any sewage in their lakes and rivers, especially not 1.7 million gallons of it!

In a recent interview with WHNT, Tennessee Riverkeeper gave an update on what is to come moving forward:

And in a subsequent article in, our Executive Director, David Whiteside, provided some more perspective on the situation:

 “This water belongs to the public and anything we can do to bring attention to this problem, to shine a spotlight on pollution and to speed up the process of getting it cleaned up, that’s the role of Riverkeeper. taxpayers, we ought to have a reasonable expectation that our waste is properly treated and not being spewed into our communities and possibly making us sick and negatively impacting water quality.”

 Our intent to sue is never about money, but to speed up the corrections process as quickly as possible. We are encouraged that the Guntersville Water Board has said that they want to cooperate with Tennessee Riverkeeper, and we intend to hold them accountable to that statement. We will continue to keep you updated as this case progresses.

Interested in the work of Tennessee Riverkeeper?

 We are proud to be a grassroots, citizen-supported organization. Because of the generosity of caring people like you, Tennessee Riverkeeper has been able to:

  • Address over 30,000 Clean Water Act Violations.

  • Remove over 35,000 pounds of aquatic litter from the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers and their tributaries.

  • Defend clean water in 10+ ongoing legal actions, including our monumental case against 3M, whose Tennessee River factory has wreaked havoc on vulnerable communities in North Alabama.

Here's how you can help.

  • Volunteer at a cleanup. We'll let you know when the next opportunity will take place.

  • Share our posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Help amplify our message to your network.

  • Become a Member. Your support is an investment in clean water for over 6,300,000 people in the Tennessee and Cumberland River watersheds.

Thank you for your support! Feel free to email us at

Cheers to cleaner water!


PFAS in food packaging
